Tuesday, June 22, 2010

噢no!噢 “螃蟹” !跌价了!?

昨天看到nook ebook reader 跌价的新闻时,我就立刻想起 kindle 一直都跟他一样价钱,如果他跌价,Kindle 不久就会有所行动了的……


也让我破自己记录,一个月内差不多看完3本小说了~(+ 数不完的漫画)

最近看了Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief,然后去看一下我下载很久了但丢在hdd里发霉发臭发酸的 movie 版本,感觉他们真的改了不少,虽然还有保留那个主线,但很多细节都是和小说解释不一样的~整体来说,都一样精彩啦~

这本也差不到要看完了,我“顺便”下载了percy jackson 其他系列的,下一个就是sea monster了~呵呵~

总之,谢谢秉岑兄弟帮我买了kindle 2……祝你在英国求学顺利~希望还有机会再见~加油!!
(最近跟同事聊起 Top Gear 我又想起你了~哈哈~)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Inspiration from my supervisor

Sorry for not updating my internship's info for so long.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I miss unlimited quota for downloading

I used up the monthly data quota of 1.5GB for Maxis Broadband within 5.5 days. Still have to wait for another 3 weeks until the next volume reset. Sienz.......I have nothing to do. I have no entertainment.......
And I haven't start my 1st week's practical training records..Don't know what to fill in there~

Tips??Anyone? hahaha...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Internship in Penang Day 2

Finally, today I have my own account to login my PC.
My job requires me to use the computer most of the working time.
Quite envy them when I heard Hing talked about what they going to do in their training. By comparing to mine, I don't think any of my course mate is interested in.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Internship in Penang Day 1


今天是实习的第一天,只有3个字:“很痛苦~” (P/s: 要用pooi mun的语气来讲)